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22.3.2014 CACIB Eurasia I, RUS
Judge: Wilfried Peper, D

BOB: male

Rus Moloh Absolut

CACIB male:

Rus Moloh Absolut

res. CACIB male:

Aston Martin Rokoko

CACIB female:

Nicol' Poli Good Morning to You

res. CACIB female:

Delance Magic Viola Best of All

JCAC, Best Junior male:

Bonjorno Rokoko

JCAC female:

Mechta Nataly Zateya

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XMALES - cl. baby
M VP1 - Noir Sur Blanc Droppa Mapants (i)
*27.9.2013 The Dashing Devil's Be a Star & Sorpresa del Goyepino
XMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1 - Zenith of Rockwell Royal Flush (i)
*7.8.2013 Zenith of Rockwell Fanfan & Rockwell Viva la Master
XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, JCAC, Best Junior - Bonjorno Rokoko (i)
*24.10.2012 Don't Touch del Goyepino & Corida Blanca Rokoko
LŠVK 947/12
M Exc2, res. JCAC - Mechta Nataly Drop of Happyness (i)
*26.10.2012 Bellevue Happy Fortune & Mechta Nataly Elizabeth the Great
RKF 3467945
M Exc3 - Westirix Bosco Style Berendey (i)
*10.4.2013 The Dashing Devil's Lucky Boy & Mine Dreams Honey Dew
M VG - Attention on Me Vertragus (i)
*18.5.2013 Gerry Bohemia Arnet's & Precious Patsy Vertragus

M VG - Hogward Big Hope iz Usadby Voronovo (i)
*2.3.2013 Hopecharm Chip N'Charge & Tara Targetters iz Usadby Voronovo
M VG - Ocean of Love (i)
*28.11.2012 Mine Dreams Yald Gay & Rus Dimian Poll Frantishka
M DQ - Brait Nouz Sheldon Shining Force (i)
*20.3.2013 Brait Nouz Jantuar & Brait Nouz Nonstop Brightness
RKF 3595531
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Aston Martin Rokoko (i)
*24.11.2012 Harry Potter from Gryffindor & Just Like Magic Gryffindor
LŠVK 953/13
M Exc2, res. CAC - Bellevue Star Fighter (i)
*5.4.2012 The Dashing Devil's Street Fighter & Krisma Wagamama
M VG3 - Zicco Vicki Vertragus (i)
*14.7.2012 Gerry Bohemia Arnet's & Vicki Pai Vertragus

XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC - Touch Star Genesis iz Usadby Voronovo (i)
*23.4.2011 Royal Imprint of Surprise & Taffi Maffi iz Usadby Voronovo

M Exc2, res. CAC - Hillcloud Ice Glaze with Ashgate (i)
*27.7.2011 Ashgate Scot's Progress & Hillcloud Drizzle
M VG - Forever Young Sunshine Celebration (i)
*18.12.2011 Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Coconut Sunshine Celebration
M VG - Piter Westie Zigzag de la Chance (i)
*18.5.2011 Werweise's Olympic Gold & Ovacia Yuhe iz Baltiyskoy Peny
M VG - Vivat Terrier Sage Spot (i)
*13.1.2012 Be My Star Superbia & Brait Nouz Show Must Go for Vivat Terrier
RKF 3271620
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB - Rus Moloh Absolut (i)
*14.11.2009 Just Rock'N'Roll Gryffindor & Moe Ocharovanie Maniunia
RKF 2619747
M Exc2, res. CAC - Piter Westie Discovery World (i)
*21.4.2010 Olympic Gold iz Baltiyskoy Peny & Stars Factory Dakota
M Exc3 - Brend Bas Arriva (i)
*10.9.2010 Wall Street Boss Irsimos & Atriks Rio Blanco
M Exc - Alborada Sherlock (i)
*6.7.2010 Alborada Henrich & Alborada Regina
LOE 1984870
M Exc - Bilbo Begens Dai Hard (i)
*11.11.2007 Garlic & Laki Straik Super Agent
BCU 085-465
M Exc - Otto Original aus dem Alten Land (i)
*2.7.2007 Ravnegards Tinsdals-Highland Piper & Sailor Moon Dillinger
M Exc - Valdepino Montiliado iz Baltiyskoy Peny (i)
*9.12.2010 Alborada Heraldo & Ezhevika First Snow iz Baltiyskoy Peny
RKF 2949970

XFEMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1, Best Puppy - Zenith of Rockwell Rosehip (i)
*7.8.2013 Zenith of Rockwell Fanfan & Rockwell Viva la Master
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, JCAC - Mechta Nataly Zateya (i)
*3.5.2013 Krisma Spitnpolish & Ajria Adoxa
RKF 3633344
M Exc2, res. JCAC - Lynnsto Something Special (i)
*27.12.2012 Something Special Superbia Lynnsto & Lynnsto Visa
RKF 3614069
M Exc3 - Sozvezdie Avrory Marcela (i)
*19.3.2013 Womanizer de New Gryffindor & Sozvezdie Avrory Holly-Dolly
M Exc4 - Westirix Bianca Martina Paradise (i)
*10.4.2013 The Dashing Devil's Lucky Boy & Mine Dreams Honey Dew
M Exc - Sofie Anders iz Doma Korolevoy (i)
*15.11.2012 Tartan Extra Touch iz Usadby Voronovo & Oops I Did Again iz Usadby Voronovo
M VG - Fanny Fantasy Leona (i)
*30.3.2013 Havasu Pai & Hillcloud Drizzle
M VG - Lirmax Attractive Play (i)
*17.6.2013 Bellevue Star Fighter & Bellevue Special Addition
M VG - Magic Shine Beautiful Life (i)
*3.3.2013 Forever Young Sunshine Celebration & Magic Shine Vivien Holli
M VG - Only You My Little Princess (i)
*18.2.2013 Roxi Chiri Dabaso & Anabel Dragocenny Almaz
M VG - Orchid Beautiful (i)
*28.11.2012 Mine Dreams Yald Gay & Rus Dimian Poll Frantishka
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC - Kameliya iz Vestgrada (i)
*16.9.2012 Mine Dreams Yald Gay & Intriga iz Vestgrada
RKF 3526026
M Exc2, res. CAC - Chestislava Asia Centenary (i)
*16.7.2012 Let's Go to the Top vom Deipen Brook & Cecilia Chestislava iz Doma Alfa
RKF 3426464
M VG3 - Infanta iz Doma Korolevoy (i)
*1.8.2012 Dorsdorf Tsukat & Effi iz Doma Korolevoy
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Delance Magic Viola Best of All (i)
*10.6.2011 Mechta Nataly Match Point & White Queen Subjugator of Tops
RKF 3271628
M Exc2, res. CAC - Sozvezdie Avrory Fortuna (i)
*28.12.2011 Alborada Fire Cracker & Sozvezdie Avrory Havana
M VG - Brait Nouz Katherine the Great (i)
*7.2.2012 Be My Star Superbia & Brait Nouz Tatosha
M VG - Hedcandy for Brend Bas Irsimos (i)
*13.3.2012 Selena Boy Irsimos & Just So Sweet Gryffindor
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB - Nicol' Poli Good Morning to You (i)
*20.6.2009 Mechta Nataly Yakkini & Nicol' Poli Veer
M Exc2, res. CAC - Corida Blanca Rokoko (i)
*25.5.2010 Aint He Sweet du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Mischievous Miss from Gryffindor
LŠVK 566/10
M Exc3 - Bellevue Special Addition (i)
*6.6.2011 The Dashing Devil's Shotgun & Bellevue Specially Maid


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