Trial pedigree
Loud Like Love Sunshine Celebration & Ashley My Princess White Gallardo

Generations: (max 10)

Complete pedigree: max 10 generations.

DNA profile

Diversity coefficient: N/A (ideal 0, max N/A)


Available 62 from max 62 dogs => 100.00 % of pedigree.

Ancestor Loss Coefficient
AVK 90.32 % (ideal 100 %)

Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient
IC = 0.7813 % (ideal 0 %, FCI max 12,5 %)

Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor: 0.7813 %

Repeated ancestors from 62 dogs
Ni Vue Ni Connue du Moulin de Mac Gregor: 2x
Ashgate Sinclair: 2x
Paul Hochons du Moulin de Mac Gregor: 2x
Vallange Sailor Jack: 2x
Charosmack Cristmas Craker for Cooley: 2x
Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor: 2x

Loud Like Love Sunshine Celebration
Havasu High Tech
Havasu Pai
Markstown Mr Havasu
Charosmack Cristmas Craker for Cooley
Fireside Lass
Havasu Hells Angel
Charosmack Cristmas Craker for Cooley
Havasu Humber Lady
Charosmack Cracked Ice Over Havasu
Krisma Streetwise
Wesscots One Knight Stand
Krisma Keynote at Olac
Charosmack Clear Dreams
Charosmack Clog Dancer
Wee-Hy-Lynn Cheerleader
Jasmine Happy Naux
Spirit of Mine Sunshine Celebration
The Dashing Devil's Spirit of Mine
Bellevue Careless Spirit
Ashgate Bellaty
Coconut Sunshine Celebration
Vallange Sailor Jack
Ulrika Třešňový květ
Jessica Happy Naux
Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Paul Hochons du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Ni Vue Ni Connue du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Allison Happy Naux
Vallange Sailor Jack
Quendy Happy Naux
Ashley My Princess White Gallardo
Karamynd Play the Game
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
Ashgate Bern Era
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass
Bellevue Ring Leader of Bournehaven
Mac Hars of Bellevue
Dellie Fure of Bellevue
Karamynd Play to the Crowd
Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd
Rotella the Fezzant Plucka
Rotella Lovyootoo Hopecharm
Hopecharm Full of Deelite at Karamynd
Ashgate Sinclair
Hopecharm Full of Promise
Leila Al-Moktar
Speedy Gonzales du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Relax-Max du Moulin de Mac Gregor
J't'ador du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Nobody's Angel du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Punch Coco du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Nabuchodonosor du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Mini Mir du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Chiara Al-Moktar
Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Paul Hochons du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Ni Vue Ni Connue du Moulin de Mac Gregor
Farah Baby Al-Moktar
Leonhard's Troublemaker
Dandie Al-Moktar

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