Trial pedigree
Sebastian Sunshine Celebration & Olivia Sunshine Celebration

Generations: (max 10)

Complete pedigree: max 8 generations.

DNA profile

Diversity coefficient: N/A (ideal 0, max N/A)


Available 62 from max 62 dogs => 100.00 % of pedigree.

Ancestor Loss Coefficient
AVK 69.35 % (ideal 100 %)

Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient
IC = 9.9609 % (ideal 0 %, FCI max 12,5 %)

Ulrika Třešňový květ: 6.25 %
Vallange Sailor Jack: 3.125 %
Danskots Alexander: 0.3906 %
Ashgate Sinclair: 0.1953 %

Repeated ancestors from 62 dogs
Ashgate Sinclair: 3x
Danskots Alexander: 3x
Duchess zo Starého Škótska: 2x
Furzeleigh Celtic Lad: 2x
Vallange Sol-Y Sombra: 2x
Danskots Madonna: 2x
Zeus Adamas: 2x
Ashgate Bleaval of Fernforest: 2x
Rishtte Conrad by Ashgate: 2x
Hanni Happy Naux: 2x
Michael Happy Naux: 2x
Vallange Sailor Jack: 2x
Patty Star Franke: 2x
Ashgate Bern Era: 2x
Vallange Starlet: 2x
Vallange Conquistador: 2x
Ulrika Třešňový květ: 2x

Sebastian Sunshine Celebration
The Dashing Devil's Spirit of Mine
Bellevue Careless Spirit
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
Ashgate Bern Era
Bellevue Ring Leader of Bournehaven
Wesscots Second T'none
Wesscots One Knight Stand
Wesscots Joyous
Ashgate Bellaty
Ashgate Bern Era
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass
Ashgate Weem
Ashgate Ivanhoe
Kyntilly Highland Wisdom at Ashgate
Coconut Sunshine Celebration
Vallange Sailor Jack
Vallange Conquistador
Furzeleigh Celtic Lad
Vallange Sol-Y Sombra
Vallange Starlet
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Bleaval of Fernforest
Ulrika Třešňový květ
Michael Happy Naux
Danskots Alexander
Hanni Happy Naux
Patty Star Franke
Rishtte Conrad by Ashgate
Duchess zo Starého Škótska
Olivia Sunshine Celebration
Leonhard's Supertramp
Vallange Sailor Jack
Vallange Conquistador
Furzeleigh Celtic Lad
Vallange Sol-Y Sombra
Vallange Starlet
Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Bleaval of Fernforest
Leonhard's Perfect Love Affair
Danskots Alexander
Zeus Adamas
Danskots Madonna
Leonhard's Percya
Hot Sundance Kid von Tinsdal
Leonhard's Belamie
Ulrika Třešňový květ
Michael Happy Naux
Danskots Alexander
Zeus Adamas
Danskots Madonna
Hanni Happy Naux
Quesney vom Falkenberger Eck
White Lady Whirlwind
Patty Star Franke
Rishtte Conrad by Ashgate
Ashgate Connel
Furzeleigh White Lady at Rishtte
Duchess zo Starého Škótska
Safír Whirlwind
Myra z Kuliaru

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