Výsledky výstav

9.3.2018 Crufts, GB
Rozhodčí: Tracy Gaydon, GB

BOB: pes

White Villan King of Hearts

CC pes:

White Villan King of Hearts

res. CC pes:

Bellevue Thunder Bolt

CC fena:

Burneze Our Marnie

res. CC fena:

The Dashing Devil's Lollypop

Best Puppy fena:

Karamynd Guilded Lily

Vypnout katalog

XPSI - tř. Puppy
M 1st - Inverglen Master Mariner (i)
*4.4.2017 Hopecharm Prince Harry & Frisbeck Flower Girl by Inverglen
M 2nd - Brorastar Urban Spaceman (i)
*18.5.2017 Hopecharm Star Ship Trouper & Brorastar Love Me Do
M 3rd - Comdale for Your Eyes Only (i)
*1.5.2017 Comdale Thats Andy & Comdale Lovely Molly
XPSI - tř. Junior
M 1st - Duskhunter Ruff Diamond (i)
*10.12.2016 Brychdyn Diamond Geezer & Matheron For'N Affair with Duskhunter
M 2nd - Lizandycris Paco Rooban (i)
*8.1.2017 Tomlyndon Eager Ernest & Lizandycris Thistle Dew
M 3rd - Newvoldemort Nostradamus at Frazandmitch (i)
*12.10.2016 Newvoldemort Al Capone & Le Icona de Style de La Fonema at Newvoldemort
M Res - Juanne Rufus the Ruffian (i)
*25.11.2016 Tomlyndon Spoilt Rotten & Juanne Latin Lindi Louise
XPSI - tř. Yearling
M 1st - Violent Warrior Vertragus (i)
*10.5.2016 Karamynd Play the Game & Queenie Pai Vertragus
M 2nd - Bogarhazi New Fashion (i)
*17.7.2016 Bocans Blade & Queen of My Heart Bogarhazi
JR 81041
M 3rd - Karamynd Star Player with Ashgate (i)
*25.5.2016 Karamynd Play the Game & Karamynd Carnival Queen
M Res - Muffin Man du Moulin de Mac Gregor (i)
*27.3.2016 I'm Mr. Fete du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Hey Diddle Diddle du Moulin de Mac Gregor
LOF 73358/8402
M VHC - Torres Trentino Santo (i)
*27.9.2016 White Miracle of Switzerland Living Legend & Stella Trentino Santo
XPSI - tř. Post Graduate
M 1st - Update's Down Under vom Nopper-Hof (i)
*29.5.2016 The Dashing Devil's Touch Down & Leonie of Little White Shadow
M 2nd - Leyhey Local Laddie (i)
*30.1.2015 Inverglen Lowe N Behold & Llovall Look Here Leyhey
M 3rd - Gelmoore Midwinter Magic at Fourastay (i)
*6.12.2013 Gelmoore Troubadour & Gelmoore Jubilee Dancer

M Res - Krypto the Vagabond Prince (i)
*20.6.2015 Marimine Traveling Lord & Cheeky Princess Pollyanna
M VHC - Charmedautum Willis (i)
*3.9.2014 Bocans Blade & Charmedautum Breeze
XPSI - tř. Limit
M 1st, res. CC - Bellevue Thunder Bolt (i)
*27.10.2015 Bocans Bolt to Bellevue & Gilbri Town Gossip
NHSB 3046769
M 2nd - Lindenka I'm Dexter (i)
*28.11.2014 Lindenka Donovan & Starstruck at Lindenka
M 3rd - Update's Down Under vom Nopper-Hof (i)
*29.5.2016 The Dashing Devil's Touch Down & Leonie of Little White Shadow
M Res - Pryorvale Summer Knight (i)
*21.4.2015 Bocans Bolt to Bellevue & Pryorvale Whisper
M VHC - Fernsunrise Fairplay to Ashgate (i)
*11.2.2015 Windacre Ready to Rhumble & Standeridge Star Spangled von Fernsunrise
XPSI - tř. Open
M 1st, CC, BOB - White Villan King of Hearts (i)
*1.3.2014 White Villan Warrior & Everybody Look at Me Agidor
M 2nd - Piter Westie Zippy Star Boy (i)
*18.5.2011 Werweise's Olympic Gold & Ovacia Yuhe iz Baltiyskoy Peny
RKF 3017750
M 3rd - Atom de La'Pomme (i)
*1.8.2015 Zackshine High and Mighty & Kiara Sunshine Celebration
M Res - Skyehigh's Here We Go Again (i)
*24.1.2015 Whitebriar Jaw Dropper & Mac-Ken-Char Skyehigh's I'm No Tramp
M VHC - Newvoldemort Al Capone (i)
*11.5.2013 My Number One Superbia & Kiss My Princess Voldemort
LŠVK 1638/17
XPSI - tř. Good Citizen Dog Scheme
M 1st - Kellbany White Wizard at Leyhey (i)
*28.6.2006 Inverglen Celtic Raider & Kellbany Kaleidoscope

XPSI - tř. Veteran
M 1st - Lamsmore Fitzwritin (i)
*29.3.2007 Krisma Streetwise & Lamsmore Miss Brodie

M 2nd - Hopecharm Prince Harry (i)
*7.1.2011 Lamsmore Fitzwritin & Vogrie Lizzie Bryce by Hopecharm

M 3rd - Llovall a King of Hearts (i)
*30.11.2010 Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr & Krisma Roll the Dice for Llovall

M Res - The Dashing Devil's Street Fighter (i)
*4.2.2009 Krisma Streetwise & The Dashing Devil's Snapshot

M VHC - Something Special Superbia Lynnsto (i)
*25.9.2010 Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Avra Superbia


XFENY - tř. Minor Puppy
M 1st - Who's Dressed Up (i)
*23.6.2107 Mac-Ken-Char Twinoaks Uptown Funk & Who's Guilty
M 2nd - Westigo Full of Cheek (i)
*28.6.2017 Bocans Bolt to Bellevue & Westigo Cheeky Girl
XFENY - tř. Puppy
M 1st, Best Puppy - Karamynd Guilded Lily (i)
*17.3.2017 Bocans Backin Business & Armadale's Rosebud for Karamynd
M 2nd - Bocans News Flash (i)
*5.4.2017 Tomlyndon Eager Ernest & Bocans Sugar Loving
M 3rd - Bellevue Nuts N Bolts (i)
*8.4.2017 Bocans Bolt to Bellevue & Gilbri Town Gossip
M Res - Lynnsto Tickled Pink (i)
*26.4.2017 Lynnsto Slash du Moulin de McMonique & Lynnsto Issa Star
M VHC - Brorastar All My Loving (i)
*18.5.2017 Hopecharm Star Ship Trouper & Brorastar Love Me Do
XFENY - tř. Junior
M 1st, res. CC - The Dashing Devil's Lollypop (i)
*10.12.2016 Bellevue Town DJ & The Dashing Devil's to Hot to Handle
NHSB 3066550
M 2nd - Bettyhill's Simply the Best Davina (i)
*15.12.2016 Charosmack Cold Play & Bettyhill's Godsend Zoe
M 3rd - Duskhunter Diamond Lil (i)
*10.12.2016 Brychdyn Diamond Geezer & Matheron For'N Affair with Duskhunter
M Res - Angilgate Naughty But Nice (i)
*18.3.2004 Bellevue Fox Trot with Angilgate & Angilgate Hello Dolly
M VHC - Newvoldemort Lollypop (i)
*12.10.2016 Newvoldemort Al Capone & Le Icona de Style de La Fonema at Newvoldemort
XFENY - tř. Yearling
M 1st - White Bandits' Lollipop (i)
*27.6.2016 Shining Star Superbia & White Bandits' Chilly Pepper
M 2nd - Victory in the Game Vertragus (i)
*10.5.2016 Karamynd Play the Game & Queenie Pai Vertragus
M 3rd - Bocans Striking Diamonds (i)
*17.12.2016 Brychdyn Diamond Geezer & Roxholm Reign Dance by Bocans
M Res - My Way of White Thistle (i)
*11.4.2016 J'Suis le Boss of White Thistle & G'Les Nerfs of White Thistle
LOF 73699
M VHC - Carshairn Sound of Islay (i)
*15.8.2016 Carshairn Glen Scotia & Clydecoast's over Ice
XFENY - tř. Post Graduate
M 1st - Hopecharm Bit of Fruitcake (i)
*27.10.2016 Karamynd Play the Game & Pride and Precious Sweet White Angel
M 2nd - Thozow Edelweiss (i)
*4.2.2016 Hillsted Masquerade at Thozow & Thozow Forget Me Not
M 3rd - Lizandycris Misschieves at Fourastay (i)
*6.12.2015 Walk the Line vom Deipen Brook to Krisma & Lizandycris Ready to Rock
M Res - Frisbeck Flower Girl by Inverglen (i)
*17.7.2014 Inverglen Lewis & Frisbeck My Rebecca Rose
M VHC - Leyhey Luck Be a Lady (i)
*30.1.2015 Inverglen Lowe N Behold & Llovall Look Here Leyhey
XFENY - tř. Limit
M 1st - Bellevue Gossip Catcher (i)
*25.10.2014 Bellevue Spirit Catcher & Gilbri Town Gossip
M 2nd - Lynnsto Evelyn All (i)
*14.2.2016 Lynnsto Judgement Day & Lynnsto Issa Star
M 3rd - Meme Pas Peur du Clos des Galinettes (i)
*12.7.2017 Little Bad Boy du Vallon des Aures & Lollipop Sunshine Celebration
LOF 73837/13458
M Res - Lindenka Apple Krumble (i)
*28.11.2014 Lindenka Donovan & Starstruck at Lindenka
M VHC - Rupann Spring Surprise (i)
*28.2.2012 Inverglen Banjo & Kellethrigg Christmas Rose at Rupann
XFENY - tř. Open
M 1st, CC - Burneze Our Marnie (i)
*13.7.2015 Tomlyndon Eager Ernest & Burneze Plan Bea

M 2nd - Hopecharm Christmas Rose (i)
*8.12.2015 Hopecharm Prince Harry & Hopecharm Ops a Daisy
M 3rd - Hillsted Sweet Mystery (i)
*3.11.2014 Havasu Hey Dude for Swifdon & Comdale Miss January at Hillsted
M Res - Top Secret de New Gryffindor at Karamynd (i)
*13.1.2015 Karamynd Play the Game & Like a Star of Gryffindor
M VHC - White Bandits' Lollipop (i)
*27.6.2016 Shining Star Superbia & White Bandits' Chilly Pepper
XFENY - tř. Good Citizen Dog Scheme
M 1st - Rupann Spring Surprise (i)
*28.2.2012 Inverglen Banjo & Kellethrigg Christmas Rose at Rupann
M 2nd - Kellethrigg Christmas Rose at Rupann (i)
*13.12.2007 Birkfell Sparkle by Inverglen & Kellethrigg Rose Hip Lass
XFENY - tř. Veteran
M 1st - Who's Rock the Boat (i)
*15.10.2008 A Tes Souhaits du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Who's Divine Breath
M 2nd - White Bandits' Belle Bijou (i)
*30.3.2009 Lionel Ricky of White Lions & Kimberley Sunshine of White Lions
M 3rd - Faymar Fine Romance (i)
*19.9.2009 Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr & Davot Chase The Lady for Faymar

M Res - Lindenka Kaylah at Sanjoc (i)
*20.4.2008 Lindenka Delta & Lindenka Toffee Pudding

M VHC - Carbon Copy de Willycott (i)
*11.10.2007 Armadale's Ready to Go to France & Singing on the Moon de Willycott



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