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12.6.2016 CACIB Nitra, SK
Judge: Jaroslav Kubala, SK

BOB: female

Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration

BOS: male

Boucheron Fantasy Rokoko

CACIB male:

Boucheron Fantasy Rokoko

res. CACIB male:

Hopecharm Space Cowboy

CACIB female:

Virginia Happy Naux

res. CACIB female:

Yessica z Kamejku

CAJC male:

L'Hermes de Souffle Mistral

CAJC, Best Junior female:

Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CAJC - L'Hermes de Souffle Mistral (i) ... gained title JCH SK
*9.3.2015 Gladiator of White Thistle & Hermes du Royaume de Sky
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC - Westicon Highland Hunter (i)
*29.1.2015 Jazzing Dirty Harry & Westicon Extra Etiquette
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Hopecharm Space Cowboy (i)
*4.10.2013 Hopecharm Major Luke & Extra Galactic du Clan des Hamilton

XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Boucheron Fantasy Rokoko (i)
*24.10.2012 Don't Touch del Goyepino & Corida Blanca Rokoko
LŠVK 948/12

XFEMALES - cl. baby
M VP1 - Hello It's Me Adele Sunshine Celebration (i)
*29.1.2016 Easy-Going du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Jasmine Happy Naux
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CAJC, Best Junior, BOB - Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration (i)
*19.6.2015 Spirit of Mine Sunshine Celebration & Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB - Virginia Happy Naux (i)
*25.7.2014 Charosmack Cool Days & Butterfly Happy Naux
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC - Zig&Zag Sunshine Celebration (i)
*8.3.2014 Agent Cornus Adoxa & Flanagan Sunshine Celebration
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Yessica z Kamejku (i)
*13.2.2014 Ken Happy Naux & Jennifer z Kamejku
M Exc2, res. CAC - Gwen Stefani from White Gallardo (i)
*12.11.2013 Expect the Best White Gallardo & Coco Bohemia Elité

Photo Album 2016-06-12 CACIB Nitra, SK


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