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29.11.2015 CACIB Nitra, SK
Judge: Pierluigi Buratti ,I

BOB, III. BIG female:

Flanagan Sunshine Celebration

BOS: male

Xavier Třešňový květ

CACIB male:

Xavier Třešňový květ

res. CACIB male:

Nothing Toxic Lady World

CACIB female:

Flanagan Sunshine Celebration

res. CACIB female:

Knick-Knack in Full Luck Lady World

CAJC, BIG Junior, II. BIS Junior female:

Stars Fall in Sunshine Celebration

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XMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1 - Jimmy Give Me Five White Crystal Gi&Gi (i)
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Nothing Toxic Lady World (i)
M Exc2, res. CAC - Perry Mateus Blataj (i)
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC - Winsent Flash of Love (i)
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Xavier Třešňový květ (i)

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CAJC, BIG Junior, II. BIS Junior - Stars Fall in Sunshine Celebration (i)
M Exc2 - Alexandra Brave Smiling Nippers (i)
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CAC - Dynamica Star West (i)
M Exc2, res. CAC - Yzzi Třešňový květ (i)
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CAC, res. CACIB - Knick-Knack in Full Luck Lady World (i)
M Exc2, res. CAC - Jasmin (2) (i)
M Exc3 - Amely Mary's White Kingdom (i)
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, III. BIG - Flanagan Sunshine Celebration (i)
M Exc2, res. CAC - Francis White Crystal Gi&Gi (i) ... gained title CH SK


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