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24.6.2012 CACIB La Rochelle, F
Judge: Gérard Mignot ,F

BOB: male

Free-Jazz of White Thistle

CACIB male:

Free-Jazz of White Thistle

res. CACIB male:

Forest Gump of White Thistle

CACIB female:

Lamsmore Diva

res. CACIB female:

Fais Come Ci-Fais Come Ca of White Thistle

CACS male:

Free-Jazz of White Thistle

res. CACS male:

Forest Gump of White Thistle

CACS female:

Lamsmore Diva

res. CACS female:

Fais Come Ci-Fais Come Ca of White Thistle

Junior male:

White White West Guardian of Time

Best Junior female:

Gaufrette du Moulin de Labatut

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1 - White White West Guardian of Time (i)
M Exc2 - Game Boy du Moulin de la Seigneurie (i)
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1 - Alborada Serrat (i)
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACS, CACIB, BOB - Free-Jazz of White Thistle (i)
M Exc2, res. CACS, res. CACIB - Forest Gump of White Thistle (i)
M Exc3 - Delnoune's Direct to Cloud Nine (i)

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Best Junior - Gaufrette du Moulin de Labatut (i)
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1 - Alborada Guanche (i)
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACS, CACIB - Lamsmore Diva (i)
M Exc2, res. CACS, res. CACIB - Fais Come Ci-Fais Come Ca of White Thistle (i)
M Exc3 - Fifty-Fifty of White Thistle (i)
M VG4 - Funny Girl du Moulin de la Seigneurie (i)


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