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11.3.2012 CACIB Offenburg, D
Judge: František Polehňa (Star Franke),CZ

BOB: female

Josephine Happy Naux

CACIB male:

Knightly Sunshine of White Castle

res. CACIB male:

Eddy Barclay des Pinfols

CACIB female:

Nelly of White Avalanche

res. CACIB female:

Magic Marjolijn vom Märchengarten

Jgd. CAC male:

Ken Happy Naux

Jgd. CAC female:

Josephine Happy Naux

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Ken Happy Naux (i)
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - Bodyguard's Chance'f Live of Charming Whitebear's (i)
M VG3 - Bilbo of White Shadow (i)
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC, res. CACIB - Eddy Barclay des Pinfols (i)
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH - Happy Hero of Nightingale (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Enzo Storia du Domaine de Hohenstaufen (i)
M VG3 - Dusty of Fame v. Little White Friends
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, VDH, CAC, CACIB - Knightly Sunshine of White Castle (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Qweeny Blataj (i)
M Exc3 - Alan Clever Boy de Willycott (i)

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC, BOB - Josephine Happy Naux (i)
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - Queeny Weeny of White Castle (i)
M Exc3 - White Bandits' Chilly Pepper (i)
M Exc4 - Gullietta Blataj (i)
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC, res. CACIB - Magic Marjolijn vom Märchengarten (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Born to Be Loved of Capricorn (i)
M VG3 - Elium des Pinfols (i)
M VG4 - Amazing Alice of Owl-Wood (i)
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH, CAC, CACIB - Nelly of White Avalanche (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Quicksilver's Tabea (i)
M VG3 - Fiby of Fame v. Little White Friends (i)
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, VDH - Yelena of Owl Wood (i)


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