Utari of Marzipan

Litter I of Highlands Ranch *10.1.2016
Wawerill White Oleander x Utari of Marzipan
male Indii of Highlands Ranch
male Isa of Highlands Ranch
male Ivory of Highlands Ranch

Litter H of Highlands Ranch *28.4.2015
Wawerill White Oleander x Utari of Marzipan
male Hennry of Highlands Ranch
female Hannah of Highlands Ranch

Litter F of Highlands Ranch *26.4.2014
Wawerill White Oleander x Utari of Marzipan
male Fajsal of Highlands Ranch
male Farid of Highlands Ranch
female Fatima of Highlands Ranch
female Femme Fatale of Highlands Ranch

Litter D of Highlands Ranch *4.8.2013
Wawerill White Oleander x Utari of Marzipan
female Dasha of Highlands Ranch
female Dolce of Highlands Ranch

Litter B of Highlands Ranch *4.11.2012
Wawerill White Oleander x Utari of Marzipan
male Bastien of Highlands Ranch
female Beatrice of Highlands Ranch

Litter A of Highlands Ranch *20.5.2010
Owen O'Brien Havlův kopec x Utari of Marzipan
male Atrei of Highlands Ranch
female Afrodita of Highlands Ranch
female Ambra of Highlands Ranch
female Armida of Highlands Ranch


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